miercuri, 22 iulie 2015

About farming

Soil and air are goods of the all the world, water is in same situation, human being needs feeding and animals need food including water. Farming is an important, vital science, a global view is easy with actual technologies but in our time became a chaotic occupation. It must be an equilibrium forest/farms/human other habitats. If we are treating farming without connection with all economic, social and environmental systems and human real necessities for health, and physiological necessities, if efficiency and profit are priorities results actual situation.

Romania was called by a Pope the Garden of Holly Virgin; we produced the best vegetal and animal produces appreciated in scientific literature. Now we are in desertification and accelerated soil pollution actions, importing a large part of national necessity of food. The destruction of our initial biologic and agricultural system from most of 200 years generates a part of actual climatic disaster in our World zone. I think the situation is not unique. The situation is, I think desperate if it continues; the Europe may become a large desert. There are many scientifically possibilities in farming science but it must be create a possibility to be applicated. This is my opinion. Farming must be connected and adjusted in actual crises with the entire world
My opinion in internet discussion.      

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