marți, 28 mai 2019

Welcome in sea buckthorn country, my country, Romania

“Omul este menit a se desavarsi. De aici vine ca cel ce nu ţinteşte spre desăvârşire se strică şi stricăciunea este începutul nenorocirii… Nici un om înrăutăţit nu e fericit. Omul rău suferă chiar şi în mijlocul bogăţiilor şi niciodată sufletul său nu are pace. Astfel fericirea pe pământ stă în împlinirea menirii pentru care suntem făcuţi, adică a lucrării noastre asupra-ne şi asupra semenilor noştri spre a ne face tot mai buni” – spunea acum aproape două secole un român al cărui nume l-a purtat Institutul Agronomic din Bucureşti - N. Bălcescu.
“Man is meant to be accomplished. It is from this that the one who does not aim at perfection is destroyed and destruction is the beginning of misfortune ... No wretched man is happy. The evil man suffers even in the midst of riches, and his soul never has peace. Thus, happiness on earth lies in the fulfillment of the purpose for which we are made, that is, of our work on us and our peers to make us better "- said almost two centuries ago a Romanian who named when I studied and absolved the Agronomic Institute of Bucharest.
Extrapolated in my opinion now it is valuable for human envinronmenthal influence.

Welcome in sea buckthorn country, my country, Romania
by dr.eng. Proorocu A. Angel
judicial expert in agronomy

When I was student, in 1982, at the Pomiculture Students Debating Society of the Faculty of Horticulture in Bucharest, our professor dr. Cepoiu Nicolae told us about the new current in agricultural theory in Romania, the introduction of some species from spontaneous flora in culture, one of them being sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn is called by the Romanian peasants “berries of the Holy Virgin”.
It seams that when Romans imperial legionairs invaded Dacia and saw Charpetian Mountains at the base of them was a line of plants colored like a metal, like steel. It seams to be a very long chain. When they arrived near mountains, they understand that it was a plant. They called it catena (lat. of chain). It may be the origin of the Roanian name of sea buckthorn: catina alba, catina cenusie, catina de rau etc.
In a long period of my life, years with personal research and work in high institutions like the Institute of Agricultural Economy of The Romanian Academy of Agronomichal and Forest Sciences, Romanian Union of Agricultural Cooperation, studies, trips, working in other different domains, I had the honour to be present in 2005 at Beijing, in 2009 at Belokuriha and in 2013 in Potsdam with my presentations: “THE UTILIZATION OF THE SEA BUCKTHORN IN ROMANIA, PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE”, “SEABUCKTHORNOLOGY A NEW INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCE AND ITS NECESSARY TERMINOLOGY” respectively “A SEA BUCKTORNOLOGY HANDBOOK FOR GLOBAL AGRICULTURAL THEORY AND PRACTICAL INFORMATION CIRCUIT” (as poster). I want to thanks to all organisors for my accumulations and wonderfull remembers from all these important for me events.
Romania has many natural and scientifically resources in all domains of agriculture. In year 2000 it had 3500 species of plants (800 in forests, 300 weeds, 1150 in the Danube Delta), there were 300 species of birds and 100 species of mammals. In my country, the modern scientific statute of agriculture as we understand now started in the inter-war period. In the period 1938-1943, Constantin Filipescu, coordinating a large staff, published “The Great Agricultural Romanian Encyclopedia”.
"Any country with pretensions of civilization must have in the cultural treasure agricultural encyclopedia and dictionaries needed by anyone who is concerned by this millenary activity"-said the author in the introduction. In the first volume of this work sea buckthorn was ample described

Image 1 Sulina a place in Danube Delta with much sb various and helpful plants
photo by Prorocu Valentin George

from page 710: “cătina albă bot. Hippophae rhamnoides L. Fr. Saule epineux, germ. Sanddorn, engl. Sea buckthorn (sea, buck, thorn) bush usually 2-5 m. it may became a little tree of 5-6 m. from slippery grounds of river’s gravels. One-year stems has silver scaly brush and ferruginous rust colored down, early they get thorns, old steams have a great number of short steams transformed in thorns. The ovoid buds are covered by a small number of golden yellow scales with silver brush. Leafs are linear lancelet or narrow oblongs 4-5 (6) cm. long and 5-6 (10) mm. breadth, short petiolated, petiole of 1-3 mm., entered edge; superior face at first has silver scales, at maturity dark green, glabrous and only the long of principal nervure with down, inferior face is silver with scaly silver thread to golden yellow which at friction are taken on the fingers. Dioeciously flowers are little, less apparent, greenish, situated on annual stems on which it appears simultaneous with leafs by 2-3 at the base of inferior leaf which are hiding integrally. Male flowers sessile with yellow-green perigonium on intern face have silver scaly thread in tubular form, evidently separate at the extremity in two lobs on square disk. Female flowers in raceme specula form, with a perigonium evidently separate at the extremity in two lobs, covered in exterior with scaly thread; unicarpelar pistil, one only box, with one ovule. Blossoms from April to May. Fruit is an achene covered in exterior with an induzion, seems that in the inferior part persists the perigonium which became fleshy. Fruit is ovoid like a pea bean brown-orange to golden yellow, the fleshy part has acidulous taste, contains a poisonous principium, which don’t hinder birds to devour them after the snow fall. The pip, achene with solid brown shining cover, usually has one seed. The trunk may be strong developed 4-6m. and at soil level it may be 10-15 cm. in diameter with many ramifications has lateral direction, sinuously, covered at the beginning with brown smooth bark, in time it has a rhytidome dark brown scaly profoundly cracked. The hardwood yellow-brown, became by drying weighty, solid, may be polish, don’t resists in air, the ashes are rich in potassium. The striking root is profound, because the pivoted part penetrate depth the soil and superficial by lateral roots parallels with the surface, from lateral roots in sands there are starting many suckers.
In roots there are tuberosities in which leaves in symbiosis an Actinomicete capable to assimilate atmospherically nitrogen. Is spread on marine dunes, alluvional sands along rivers and around lakes on stonily versants and crumbling bank, coasts and cliffs, detritus degraded pasture lands, etc. Its principal area is in Central Asia from Caucasian territory to North of Persia and Ural, to the East of Asia. In Europe it is along of Scandinavian coasts, in Baltic Countries to North Sea, South of England to the south of Europe vegetating on a narrow band on Mediterranean littoral in interior on vales in mountains or hills in North of Spain, South of France, North and Center of Italy, Yugoslavia, Down Austria, Hungary, South of Romania and Bulgaria. In our country Hippophae is in hills territories, Meridional and Eastern Carpathians valleys of versants from Moldavia and in Muntenia brings along valleys to field to the Danube.

Image 2. The capacity of roots to generate many suckers-photoProorocu Angel 2004

An insular center of sea buckthorn is in Danube Delta on Black Sea littoral in the place called Cardon at north of Sulina (5 km.) the optimum of its area is in under Carpathian zone of aflorisment of salifer, age Mediterranean inferior aquitanian in Ialomita valley, Laculete, Prahova valley and its affluent Campina, Comarnic, Telega, Slanic, Teleajan valley, Homoraciu, Buzau valley, Cislau, Nehoiasi, Ramnicu Sarat valley, valleys from Vrancea Country etc. and it continues in all basins to Bucovina. Utility in forestry for the fixing of dunes or moving grounds supports more salts in soil Na Cl, it may be the national essence for the restoration of Vrancea Country and other regions deforested from saline under Carpathians in which the installation of forest on salt soils is difficult. Its ample ramification and numerous thorns make it valorous for hedges.
As bush it is very ornamental also with its silver leaf and its numerous orange fruits and persists on branches after the snow fall. It may be multiplied by seeds, slips, marcottage and suckers.” 
Author declared that the activity of elaboration of the encyclopedia was along the after first war period.
I proudly may affirm the experience of Romanian specialists in the utilization of Hippophae rhamnoides in soil amelioration. In 2005 spring Romania has a great surface of flood. The economic phenomenon from the end of XIX Century when forests were destroyed and acaparated for the construction of railways in Central Europe was the same in the legislative vide after 1990 and the situation in Romania is dramatic because the amplitude of destruction is incomparable. The mistake in the tackle of sea buckthorn is the attempt to define all varieties as one kind of assortment. It has a great variability and adaptability.

Image 3 Nodules of symbiotic organisms on roots - photo by Proorocu A. Angel

Romanian researchers had demonstrated that the specie has the capacity to accumulate in its tissue a great level from some radioactive elements, characteristically for the soil and subsoil in its habitat zone. In soil and subsoil there are slowly transformations of radioactive elements, with variable times of halve which give to the crust a certain natural radioactivity. Alfa radioactivity results from the transformation of radium in radon, the beta radioactivity is given in special by the isotopic form of potassium being in soil near K40 ions. Romanian measurements of fruits in regions which are known with the particularity of radioactivity, established that there were 34-37 less alfa global concentration like the maxim admitted limit in potable water and 2-3 more beta radiations. This illustrated the capacity of fruits to indicate the presence of natural radioactivity in soil, there are storing of beta radiation from absorbed radioactive elements on soil particles or dissolved in soil solution. There are other species like Solanum nigrum (Romanian zarna), Veratrum album (stregoaie) which has toxic components influenced by the soil composition. These explain many contradictions about the benefice or lethal effect of fruit utilization. The authors of the Romanian Encyclopedia considered it like not recommended in feeding, their occidental formation and sources are explaining this opinion. Conclusion is that the variability of this specie is the motive of many contradictions about the concentration of components and the large utilization of it.
Sea buckthorn is called by the Romanian peasants “berries of the Holy Virgin”. Romanian people used from hundred of years the fruits for the treatment of anemia, diarrhea, rheumatism and rash. From fruits they obtained many products in feeding: juice, vine, jam (with cherry, apples and plums), butter etc., they used it as textile colorant. Hippophae rhamnoides L. was used as a solution for the rehabilitation of denuded grounds and as a quality of it, the fact that the plant assimilates atmospherically nitrogen directly by roots. In modern pharmaceutics it is also used in cosmetics, many treatments and for burned and irradiated tissues. In the feeding of domestic animals were used some products, for the aspect of the hair of dogs, cats, and horses, the quality of eggs and the immunity. Plants are used like decorative plants and hedge; their green-white color is in contrast with the orange of flowers and fruits. Lupe Z. Ioan, Grigorescu Emanoil, Brad Ion, Cireasa Victor, Manea Stefan are some of Romanian specialists in forestry, horticulture, medicine, bio-chemistry with many studies and aplications of sea buckthorn.  In Romania Hippophae rhamnoides L. was the object of many national research programs.  Now there are not investitures and are not mobilized scientifical and financiar forces which may use modern instruments for the obtaining all advantages of this plantat the great potential and necessity in actual crises. Some institutions and industrial units continue the tradition with good results, but I think that is not the level which is possible in the actual potential of Romania. It must be a solution of the rehabilitation of thousand of hectares of Romanian denuded grounds. One important step in sea buckthorn implementation as a resource in actual human crises is a handbook of Seabuckthornology, in my country they implement silvosofia and silvocalia, I am not against for this kind of sciences but in conditions when the Earth is in this monstrous kind of crises, sea buckthorn being a solution as I presented in my Doctorate Thesis, at Beijing, in Russia and in Germany, I think the implementation of a new concept and finding solutions for the vital problems is most important and necessary.  In this direction there are, in my opinion, for Romania in particular, and for entire world in general 6 reasons:
1.   Romania has a great variety of the biological material which was not catalogued and capitalized in its all aspects and possibilities;
2.   Sea buckthorn is a solution in soil, considered as an organism, birds, animals and human health in poor and debased regions but not only there;
3.  Sea buckthorn (as material and scientific abordation) from Romania may be a source of biological material, treasure of scientifical experience in many domains of human crises for the rest of Europe, why not the world, harmonious implementing our national traditions with high technologies in production and presentation on a large market interested in ecological and natural produces;
4.   Being at the last “door” of Danube most important and most facil way of communication and transport in old times there were founded solutions and made hidrological works by European Comission for the Danube specialists in 1856-1938 period when participants of many countries, at the greatest level of XIX and XX century possibilities, sea buckthorn was utilized for sophisticated hydrological and consolidation works.  Romanian peasants had all times abilities in using it in treatements, feeding as colorant. After second WW II it was an emulation and was developed experience of Romanian forestry, peisagists, soil amelioration specialists. Important results were in research and production of pharmaceutical, feeding, cosmetics industries of important specialists. A great part of this activity was abandoned after 1990; There are problems now when forest fruits are harvested chaotical without scientific reasons by “enterprisers” to be sold to foreign firms with a little profit, many animals have not possibilities to find their habitual food and are migrating in cities and villages, to find food in garbidge pubels, bears are notorious in our new times face of the country;
5.  As you may see, in all my presentations in my opinion is that it is necessary a new approach of sea buckthorn with all its possibilities of utilization simultaneous applied;
6.   It is necessary an educational program in agricultural schools of all levels, as I presented, in my country it was a beginning in 1982, to be implemented to the future generations the culture necessary to understand and apply sea buckthorn utilization in all domains. It is a plant which we can meet in all Euro-Asia and now artificially distribuited in America. We have the example of Viticulture; the contribution of national schools was vital in Vitis vinifera crises caused by philoxera and evolution of culture systems and diversified products.
There are actual realizations in my country, I met some of peoples which are involved in particular or adjacent activities in connection with sea buckthorn, at my presentation of Doctorate Thesis in 2006, participated and honored me with this, prof. dr. Ion Brad, the most famous representing researcher and promoter of sea buckthorn in Romania. Many great specialists involved in sea buckthorn research and utilisation in many domains disappeared. In my opinion in absence of material and financial support there are not made enterprises at the potential of Romanian thesaurus in this domain. Who have not imaged of last generations accumulations may not be able to have maximum results? As example Danube Delta is a great place of permanent transformations, possibilities of research in many aspects. In 2006 I presented in public my doctorate thesis: “Studies about the importance of sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) in the environmental protection and human health economy”. I think in the entire world it is a wrong treatment in climate soil and health crises. I am proud to had the intuition, with help of prof. dr. Berca Mihai who coordinate my thesis, to present some solutions, I need persons who understand it and promote research and implementation of sea buckthorn utilization in this sense. I consider ISA the most important solution to make all of them reality. As a reflection of my person I invite you to access my blogs:
Unfortunately, more of texts are in Romanian but I have also picture and some texts in English in sea buckthorn domain, terminology and in envinronment, I think is an important and actual educational aspect presented and I think necessary in a global activity.

I attach to this presentation a Bibliography (a part of books is in my propriety) you may also see My Sea Buckthorn Library and Album. In the Bibliography I present with italic characters Romanian treasure of sea buckthorn and adiacent abordations, intending to omagiate a long list of specialists in many domains, authors and promotors, a large part of them of the miraculous plant of Romanian rich in and God blest territory material but important: with a high quality intelectuals. Unfortunately, actual generations and interests are not continuating the treasure of natural and spiritual positive acumulations and we are where we are. It is my honour to present a little bit of Romanian natural resources and human efforts in domain of sea buckthorn.   

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